

It takes education and awareness to incorporate neurodivergent employees into the corporate culture, 但回报是无价的


这个想法最早出现在2022年初的马利日, when she noticed electric vehicle (EV) chargers near 12bet官方’s data center in Tempe, AZ, 她工作的地方.

“I started doing some research and two weeks later told my cohorts what I learned—that because EVs use public information, 黑客有可能摧毁整个电网,戴解释道。, 谁是敏捷服务的助理.

后不久, the news story broke: EV chargers had been hacked through a backdoor in the control systems, 暴露一个全国性的漏洞. 

“作为一个自闭症患者, 我总是看到差距和风险, and things stay on top of my mind until I can figure them out and turn them over to the appropriate person,戴说. “然后我就可以继续了.”


戴于2016年加入大通时, she was exhausted from years of trying to mask the differences that are part of her neurological makeup. “我在德克萨斯州的农村长大,我的主要目标是远离人们的视线, 而不是被关进收容所,她说。. “这种压力导致我的器官停止工作. 我失去了平衡, 一直处于疼痛中,在轮椅上坐了几年,然后拄着拐杖.”

In 2017, 在工作的休息室里, Day saw a promotion for the 12bet官方’s Autism at Work program and something clicked. 我径直走到我的上司面前,直截了当地说, “我有自闭症,你是我的导师,’”戴回忆道. “She leaned back and said, ‘I don’t know anything about 自闭症, but I will figure it out.’”

Autism at Work started off as a pilot with a handful of 12bet官方’s Delaware employees on the spectrum in 2015. 今天, the program—spanning more than 40 different roles across nine countries and counting—has become a competitive advantage for the company, 并有机会丰富其文化多样性.


在了解了工作中的自闭症之后, 戴和她当时的主管, 贝基·德·鲁伊特, joined the Arizona chapter of 12bet官方’s Access Ability Business Resource Group and together learned how to support Day’s comfort and productivity. They learned how to help Day regulate her emotions in response to sensory overload and how to respond appropriately to coworkers.

随着时间的推移, 这是她职业生涯的第一次,帮助她减掉了100磅, 改善她的个人生活,从隐藏生活的压力中恢复过来. She also found an outlet as a member of a special task force organized by Roger Bongiovanni, 12bet官方结构性利率风险部门的董事总经理, 它会检查可能影响公司的漏洞.

The “Crypto Explorers Think Tank” offers Day—and two other 12bet官方 employees who self-identify as being on the 自闭症 spectrum—opportunities to collaborate while exploring their skills and abilities. 该组织成立于2022年1月初, 邦乔瓦尼找到穆西·李的时候, 自闭症在工作全球负责人, 的建议. 在4月, 这个三人小组开发了一个加密货币崩溃的场景, 就在几个月后, 在现实生活中几乎和他们预测的一模一样.

“These individuals bring a lot of knowledge and interest and work relentlessly,” Bongiovanni says. “They’re willing to share thoughts in a straightforward way with intensity and a high level of depth. 这是一个非常专业的团队, 因为我们都在不同的地方, we probably never would have even spoken to one another had this project not come along.”


亚历杭德罗Lago, 12bet官方商业情报部门的合伙人, 2018年开始在布宜诺斯艾利斯的12bet官方工作, after being trained by a company that helped him learn the skills he’d need to work in a highly competitive environment. 他的经理, 米格尔·安迪娜·席尔瓦, 高级首席数据工程师, gives him the creative freedom and flexibility that lets him make the most of his need to learn and his ability to hyperfocus.

这些需求和能力, Lago解释说, 来自一个具有建设性和适应性的地方, and they led to his now-patented solution to address a costly technology issue that regularly kept thousands of employees from being able to access their emails.

“People on the spectrum like me have a different way of seeing and processing reality, 管理者需要认识到并利用我们的优势,他说.

作为工作中的自闭症项目的负责人, Lee emphasizes that—even among people with similar diagnoses—each individual’s abilities and needs are different.

“作为一家公司,我们有责任从一开始就推动神经包容性,”她指出. “Education and awareness are vitally important so everyone understands each individual is different — the approaches that work for one may not work for another.”


工作中的自闭症提供了一个剧本, 分布在整个12bet官方, that shares best practices for recruiting and interviewing neurodivergent individuals. 一个由讲师指导的培训工作坊-目前有英文版本, 西班牙语, 法国, Japanese and Mandarin—details the kinds of supports that are available to both employees who identify as being on the 自闭症 spectrum and their managers.

Adam Foley,大型机信息部门的全球主管 & 集成工程在美国.K., turned to Lee when he was given the opportunity to lead a team with a self-identified autistic software engineer in Dallas. 在问李他需要知道什么来支持工程师的成功之后, Foley was surprised by how much he was able to learn about reasonable accommodations, communication and the flexibility that would enable him to maximize his team member’s productivity and engagement.

“This colleague loves to be in the weeds with data and has solved problems that would have taken someone else on the team two or three times as long,Foley说. ”经理, we need to be able to work with diverse people to understand where they’re coming from and support where they’re going.”

关于加密探索者智库团队, Bongiovanni has no doubt its participants contribute to one of the firm’s core competencies — early risk identification across lines of business, 包括关键功能,如技术和风险管理. 

但是,拥抱神经多样性的价值也远远超出了它的底线. “These individuals have openly shared what it’s like to have 自闭症 in such a large company and that honesty just enhances the culture at 12bet官方, 在这个时代,哪一种食物如此受欢迎,Bongiovanni说.

“看到他们面临的挑战让人大开眼界,他继续说道。, 解释这需要耐心, humility and humanity for neuro-typical employees to appreciate the advantages of incorporating neurodivergent individuals into day-to-day work life.

“这可能是一个学习曲线, 但对个人和团队来说,它的价值主张都非常合理.”

布莱恩·吉尔, who leads 12bet官方’s Office of Disability Inclusion and oversees its global neurodiversity strategy, 同意. “利用不同的思维方式是有价值的,”他说. “在12bet官方,我们才刚刚开始.”

想了解更多关于工作中的自闭症的信息,请发送电子邮件至 自闭症.at.work@jpmorgan.com.