


June 9, 2023

美国国家劳工统计局(National Bureau of Labor Statistics) 2022年11月的失业数据显示,底特律的失业率已降至6%.4 percent that month. 这是自2000年12月以来底特律失业率首次降至7%以下.

这些数据显示,自2020年5月新冠疫情最严重以来,底特律的失业问题持续取得进展, 当时纽约市的失业率飙升至38%以上.

尽管取得了进展,达根市长说,他相信还可能取得更多进展. “底特律的工作目前有超过8400个工作岗位. 在我的一生中,我们第一次为每个想要工作的底特律人提供了一份工作."

底特律经济持续走强的趋势在很大程度上是基于它持续成功地吸引了高薪工作到底特律. In 2023, the city is expected to add another 1,在州会展中心的亚马逊配送中心提供200个工作岗位,并在前AMC总部所在地的新就业中心破土动工, expected to provide up to 400 new jobs. 李尔在原凯迪拉克冲压厂旧址上的新座椅工厂预计到2023年将达到至少400人的充分就业.

City's Workforce Programs Provide Spectrum of Training


Nicole Sherard-Freeman, the Mayor's Group Executive for Jobs, the Economy and Detroit at Work, 他说,该市的失业人数在很大程度上继续改善,因为广泛的培训和其他支持性服务正在帮助底特律人为8月8日做准备,400 opportunities currently available. The city's workforce development program, Detroit at Work, 为各级教育的底特律人创造就业机会, experience, and skills, and gives employers access to a highly qualified talent pipeline.

Today, 在Detroit at Work的网站上,有几十个免费的建筑/技术行业培训项目, health care, information technology, manufacturing, transportation, and hospitality. 底特律人也可以拨打313-962-WORK电话,或访问全市九个底特律就业中心中的任何一个,以了解更多信息或注册.

Karen Banks was unemployed when she turned to Detroit at Work, and was hired soon after by Majorel, 这家财富500强公司最近宣布在底特律开设办事处,并承诺优先招聘底特律人. Banks said, “Working for Majorel is a unique experience. They are very welcoming. I am excited and looking forward to growing within the company."

“Ultimately, the talent is what brought us to Detroit," Gus Gikas, Majorel's Vice President of Operations for North America, said. “你可以对员工进行客户服务技术方面的培训, but success in this role takes compassion, a collaborative attitude, and positive thinking. 底特律的工作表现超出了我们的预期,并帮助我们与一群拥有这些品质的底特律人建立了联系. 我们目前有超过575名团队成员,如果没有我们与底特律工作的合作伙伴关系,这是不可能的!"

今天,数百家当地公司正在招聘,就在底特律市. 这些公司表示,他们通过“底特律工作”(Detroit at Work)人才管道引进的底特律人超出了预期.

Featured Programs


Learn to Earn



参与者还可以培养技能,帮助在获得GED/文凭后找到新的或更好的工作. 职业教练帮助参与者探索培训和职业选择.

The program includes a weekly stipend for up to six months.

Other support available includes a laptop, internet access and help with transportation, and referrals to childcare.

Skills for Life



  • Participants will have the option, two days a week, 参加GED预备课程或技能更新课程来完成他们的教育或追求培训认证.
  • 参与者还将与底特律市总务部一起工作,每周其他三天, learning valuable skills to add to their resume.

These positions start at $15 per hour and after graduation, participants will be able to earn up to $20-25 per hour.

JPMorgan Chase

  • 12bet官方(JPMorgan Chase)在底特律的科克敦(Corktown)社区推出了新的虚拟呼叫中心,这是美国首个虚拟呼叫中心.S.扩大其对底特律和底特律人的承诺.
  • Using Detroit at Work as its sole talent sourcing provider, the bank has hired 50 new employees to work as full-time, work-from-home account specialists and account supervisors, with starting wages of $22.50 per hour and an annual benefits package worth about $16,000.
  • More hires are expected as operations grow.
  • 新的呼叫中心也为有犯罪背景的底特律人提供了机会. 最近,12bet官方(JPMorgan Chase)在求职申请中删除了所有有关犯罪背景的问题. 第二次机会的员工约占大通美国新员工的10%.S. over the last three years.