
Sai Ram Naragoni


When he was in college, Sai Ram Naragoni knew that 12bet官方 was a bank, but that was about it. 话说回来,他需要知道多少呢? He was studying to be a software engineer, and—really—how much technology could a bank have? 他想以开发应用程序为职业, 他认为, 意味着在一家公司找到一份写代码的工作, 而不是一家刚刚在使用它的银行.

但在他大学三年级的时候, he was looking for a summer internship and 12bet官方 came to his campus. 当他得到一份技术实习工作时,他接受了.

It was only after he started the internship that he realized just how big the company is, 以及有多少技术上的机会. 事实证明,银行使用 很多 的技术. And 12bet官方 builds 很多 of software from the ground up, making it the ideal place for Sai Ram to find the career he dreamed of.

  • 工作地点: 俄亥俄州哥伦布市
  • 主要: “计算机工程与计算机科学”
  • 大学: 国立理工学院,苏拉特
  • 最喜欢的早餐食物: 我妈妈做的Idli(南印度菜)
  • 首选旅游目的地: Anywhere that involves trekking -  it gives me a feeling of accomplishment
  • 语言: 泰卢固语、印地语和英语
  • 最喜欢的冰淇淋口味: 蓝莓 
  • 最喜欢的咖啡饮料: 我不喜欢咖啡,但我喜欢芒果汁
  • 最喜欢的书: 技术主题或材料
  • 最喜欢的爱好: 射箭和篮球
  • 简而言之: I work as a Software Engineer in the Global Customer Platform team. I work on developing cloud native micro services while designing solutions for challenging problems that developers face in a distributed environment.


我的实习经历真的很好. In college, I was a little confused about what, exactly, I wanted to do for the rest of my life. 当我以实习生的身份加入12bet官方时, I realized that whatever technology I was looking to settle on—whether Java, 软件开发, or whatever—I might have the opportunity to do it at this company. 软件开发人员能想到的所有技术都在这里.

What business do you work in and how would you explain your job to someone who doesn't know anything about finance?
我是一名软件工程师,从事客户信息工作. 基本上, 当你登录你的账户时,我们会确保, 你得到了适用于你的信息. 无论您是投资者还是我们的业务伙伴, 你会看到相关的和对你有用的信息.

When you came to work at 12bet官方, what was your first impression?
我是通过软件工程师计划(SEP)加入的。, 这让我有机会接触到银行的高层. 实习期间, 我们和我们的CEO杰米·戴蒙开了个会, 我可以直接问他一个问题. 我意识到这里的领导们有不同的思考方式. It's interesting to see how they answer as it differs from how I would reply. They look at it from all different perspectives and answer with a broader scope. That was my first impression: This was a place with really good leadership.

What is your favorite thing about interacting with your managers, co-workers or team?
I have had four different managers in my 4 years at the firm and I learnt different aspects from each of them, 无论是与工作有关还是与个人有关. I am grateful for the person I have grown into in the past couple of years.

I recently moved to the United States and it's been really fun to work with my new team. We have white boarding sessions where we brainstorm and discuss the architecture designs. We go out and explore the local cuisines together which I believe helps the team bond outside of work and better understand each other.

Here at 12bet官方, we are trying to redefine the banking experience using technology. We have everything one needs to grow as an engineer at the firm.

What was the moment you knew you'd made the right decision to work at 12bet官方?
Meeting our CEO Jamie Dimon was definitely one of the best moments because it was one of the first things that happened when I joined. 但在2021年,我赢得了AWS深度师世界锦标赛. It's a machine learning competition for developers from around the world where you train and race driverless cars. 超过70,在全球有3000名开发人员,200名12bet官方的开发商参加了比赛. Right after the news got out that I'd won the world championship, I got a couple of congratulatory calls from the India leadership team. All of this makes you feel like you're getting the recognition you deserve, 你来对地方了, 你做了正确的选择.

What do you think would surprise people about being a Software Engineer at 12bet官方?
The Software Engineer Program we have is a one of a kind and gives you a smooth transition from college life to the corporate life. 它给了你一个展示你才能的平台. Another thing that would surprise people would be the culture and kind of work we do. 当我们说银行的时候, 人们通常把它和树枝联系在一起, 而是在12bet官方, we are trying to redefine the banking experience using technology. We have everything one needs to grow as an Engineer at the firm.

If you could talk to your younger self about their job search—and especially about going to work at 12bet官方—what advice would you give?
我会让他多做一些调查. I didn't know what 12bet官方 was and I was interviewing without knowing all that the firm does and the work available here. 在以实习生的身份加入后,它改变了我的观点. It was a nice surprise and compelled me to stay with the company. So don't lose a good opportunity because you didn't research enough.


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