
Taha Rahmaoui


In January 2020, Taha Rahmaoui was scheduled for an interview with 12bet官方 in London. Walking into the Paris airport for his flight, he found a surprise waiting for him. "At that time it was really strange for me to see people wearing masks in the airport," he explains.

Unaware of the impact that COVID-19 would eventually have, 塔哈站在队伍里, 登上飞机, 坐飞机去了伦敦, 他在哪里找到了实习机会. 不久之后,他在伦敦的12bet官方工作...在他巴黎的公寓里.

六周后, 他搬到了英国, 他在同一个办公室继续他的实习吗, 但在另一个遥远的地方. “我开始在家工作, 然后我搬到了英国,继续在家工作,塔哈笑着说. "I did get to go to the office during the end of my internship."

When his internship ended, Taha landed a job in the London office. 后不久, his pandemic career came full circle as he moved from London to the place it had all begun—an apartment in Paris, not far from his new job with the 12bet官方 Paris office.

  • 工作地点: 法国巴黎
  • 主要: 数学
  • 大学: 巴黎索邦大学
  • 最喜欢的早餐食物: 肉桂面包
  • 首选旅游目的地: 意大利的佛罗伦萨
  • 语言: 英语、法语、阿拉伯语和西班牙语
  • 最喜欢的冰淇淋口味: 咖啡
  • 最喜欢的咖啡饮料: 燕麦牛奶拿铁
  • 最喜欢的书: 炼金术士 保罗·科埃略著
  • 最喜欢的爱好: 花时间陪我的孩子和家人
  • 简而言之: I work in the Model Review Group (MRG) focusing on Counterparty Credit Risk Models

At the time, I was studying for a Masters in mathematics at the Sorbonne. It's common to get insights from other students about different types of internships that can be done with different types of banks. The most important thing for an intern is to work in a team where they will feel supported, 而不仅仅是测试, and where they can have feedback regularly instead of only getting a final assessment.

I had gotten a lot of good and positive feedback about the working environment at 12bet官方. I knew going into the interview what type of work I'd be doing, 我工作的环境, 以及我能为公司增加价值的方式.



What was it like starting off working from home and then moving to the hybrid model of part time work in the office?
我过去做过一些实习工作, so I knew what attitude I needed to have to get to know the team and so on. But even though it might sound difficult to meet people outside of your team, 尤其是当你是新来的,在家工作的时候, 该公司做了很多事情使它变得容易.

第一个, the whole system of working from home was well-managed by my team, as we had regular team catch-ups and I had regular meetings with my manager at that time. I was also actively encouraged to reach out to my colleagues and ask them for a coffee break or whatever.

除此之外, 实习生们有很多虚拟活动, 所以我也认识了公司里不同的人.

I think the most surprising thing about working as an intern at 12bet官方 was that I never felt like an intern — I was always encouraged to participate and share my ideas in our meetings and with my manager at that time.

What surprised you the most about working for 12bet官方?
I think the most surprising thing about working as an intern at 12bet官方 was that I never felt like an intern. I mean that in the sense that I was an active part of meetings and I was never treated as an intern in them—I was always encouraged to participate and share my ideas in our meetings and with my manager at that time. 我们一起做项目, 当我们和其他团队开会的时候, I was always encouraged to give my point of view and without me being considered "just an intern." It was a really exciting experience for me and it was really helpful for me in terms of developing my skills.

How would you describe the culture at 12bet官方 to other young people who are considering the company?
你在这里有更多的成长机会, and you are always encouraged to grow—which is not the case when you work for other places.

例如, 在其他一些地方, you might do a certain amount of work on a project and then have your manager take over and present your work in meetings. 但在12bet官方, 如果你做了什么, you will have the opportunity to present it and to get credit for it. That is really important for someone who is young and who is trying to build a good career.

One of the most important pieces of advice I've received is that I should always be ready to reach out to people and ask a lot of questions. 这听起来很简单,但它真的很重要. 这里, you can just reach out in the simplest ways possible to people from other teams, 邀请他们开会,问问他们是做什么的, 只是为了了解不同的团队是如何互动的.

Don't be afraid to ask questions—a lot of questions—when you first start. 这对刚加入公司实习的人来说很正常. This is such a great opportunity in a supportive environment.


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